Hello my wonderful people, I am back from my holidays in Ghana and I can't describe how amazing it was. I enjoyed every bit of it and pushed away everything I needed to do and lived in the moment. Spending time with my grandparents and the whole family was all I needed. Therefore, as you might already have noticed, I've been very anti social media lately. I didn't post a lot on my blog and on Instagram simply because I needed this time to refresh my mind and not to worry about anything. I love the person I'm becoming as soon as I step a foot into my motherland. Everything I'm worried about seems so little when I'm there. Oh well, all good things must come to an end, so I'm back in Germany and back to business. I booked my flight for London Fashion week, but I was super exhausted from everything, so I decided to stay in Germany. I do regret my decision a little when I look at all the amazing pictures, but hey - London is a part of me and I'll be there soon, regardless. I've got a couple of blog posts coming for you, so stay tuned for them. How do you like my amazing plateausneaker from sacha? I am in love with the color, and they are so so comfortable and currently on SALE! You should check them out, I will put the links down below, as usual.
Cheers, Amira
*in friendly cooperation with sacha
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